Oh boy… Where do I even begin?!
The last few weeks have felt like Groundhog’s Day and I’m still in shock that everything that’s happened/happening is real life.
We always knew our time in Florida was going to be temporary, but we had no idea just how long it would before we’d have to move on. 6 months? 1 year? 2 years? When we left New Jersey in March and made our way to Fort Myers, we didn’t have an answer to that question. All we knew was that our apartment lease was ending and we didn’t want to stay in the tri-state area if Nick was still working remotely. The month we spent renting in Florida in January was heavenly and we knew we’d regret it if we didn’t take advantage of the opportunity we had to head back. .
Well, our question got answered in a big way about a month ago in the form of an amazing new job for Nick! And you won’t believe where…

Yep, we’re moving to Tennessee.
Omg gals, it all happened so fast.
Nick found out about the job, interviewed, got the job, accepted it, we started looking for a home in Nashville, found a house, made an offer and had it accepted– all in a span of TWO WEEKS.
Feel overwhelmed reading that? Yep, me too.
Life is crazy right?!

So you’re probably wondering… When are you moving?
THIS WEEK. Yep, in just a few days we’ll be packing our lives up again and making our way to Tennessee. Nashville was always a place we’d heard wonderful things about and somewhere we felt would be a great fit for us and I’m still in disbelief that it’s actually happening. Ahhh!
I’ve been dyingggg to reveal this news for weeks because there has been so much going on behind the scenes. I can’t wait to share our new home with you gals! We closed last Friday and already have been dreaming about the projects and renovations we want to do. It’s gonna be a wild couple of weeks, but we’re so excited.
Cait says
Ahh!! I thought for sure it would by NYC/NJ/CT again because his job was making him come back to the office! This is so exciting! Can’t wait to see your adventures!
Emma says
SO excited for you! I live right outside Nashville and have almost my whole life!! If you every need any recommendations for things, let me know! You’re gonna love it here!
Holly Brooks says
OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! Congrats to you both! I’m SOOO excited for you guys!! What a wild roller coaster, but I’ve always been a strong believer that everything happens for a reason! I can’t wait to see your new home!! Happy packing!!!!!!
Maggie says
Are you keeping the beautiful house in Florida?!
June says
Are you guys selling the home in Florida?
Kristie Wilson says
Whoa! That’s huge news! Congrats to Nick on the new job. Best of luck with the move!
Kara says
Will you sell your FL house or rent it out?? So excited for you all!
Christy Llanos says
Congratulations to Nick on the new job and all of you on a new adventure!! SO EXCITING!!! I LOVE Nashville and can’t wait to follow along on your journey!!! Kisses to that beautiful baby boy!!!
Laura says
Whhhaaaaattttttt!!! Would love to know more about the behind the scenes like how to look for a house so quickly, the whole selling process, logistics basically anything you’re willing to share. 2021 is a crazy one for you guys, so happy you’re happy.
Heather Ann says
Welcome to Tennessee!!!
Janis Rien says
Congratulations! I love your home in Florida, but this will be an amazing adventure. Thank you for sharing the amazing changes in your life. ❤️
Kristen Glifort says
I was wondering when you were going to announce that you were moving!! We are moving to Estero, building in The Place at Corkscrew but it’s been a roller coaster because of the market, we were on reservation for a lot since January & on eggshells they would increase the price by the time we were going to contract which they did but not too much so we went to contract finally 2 weeks ago. In the meantime we were still looking at listing from CT in case it didn’t work out & came across your house listed for sale & I was like OMG they just bought this! Anyway, I wasn’t stalking you I just recognized the improvements you made in the short time & was waiting for your announcement! Congratulations on the sale & wow you’re making out great! Congratulations on your new home & new adventure! I was hoping to run into you around the Fort but by the time we move you’ll be in Nashville! Good luck, but you won’t need it you will be fine I know it! You have a beautiful family! Congrats again!!!
Gigi says
On the road again! No time to waste. It’s exciting. The little cowboy is all set to go.
Gretchen Darr says
How exciting! We have lived in Nashville for 18 years now and love it! Wonderful city to raise a family! Everyone is super friendly and the shopping is great! Reach out anytime! I’d love to meet you!